The shipping process
For standard delivery, you can usually expect delivery within 6-18 business days from your order date (business days are Monday-Friday, excluding Holidays). You’ll receive an email with tracking information when your order is shipped. Please allow up to 5 business days to receive your tracking information. Some items sent directly from our suppliers may take longer, and will ship separate from the remainder of your order. The shipping charge includes labor and material costs, packaging and processing fees, and it may exceed the actual cost paid by Household Tools Shop to its carrier to send the item(s) to you. Sales tax may be assessed on the shipping charge in certain states, where applicable.
Insured and tracked
We insure all our deliveries until they arrive at your door, giving you complete peace of mind. All deliveries are tracked and you’ll receive this information, along with updates on the expected delivery day, after your order’s shipment. We can also quickly follow up on any deliveries that appear to be taking too long.